Bride Essentials- 20 things to be kept in Vanity Box

Hey my lovely Angels…

Marriage season is arrived and was thinking about the essentials every bride should be carrying in her bag/purse during her big day. We women carry our whole world in our purses but for brides it’s essential to must have few things in her purse. “Brides to be” usually get confused or forget things to be kept in purse which create last moment panic, so don’t worry sweetheart here are few things which are been jotted down and will make your things easy. If you don’t carry these things already in your bag, pick the stuff immediately, I say-

  1. Hair Bands/Clutches
  2. Bobby Pins & Safety pins- compulsory to keep
  3. Liners
  4. Pen & Post It
  5. Makeup Compact/Lipstick/ Pocket Mirror
  6. Mouth Freshener
  7. Lip Balm
  8. Chocolate/few candies/cloves- Sometimes due to stress blood sugar comes down, this will help my bride to retain their nerves.
  9. Face Tissues/wet tissues
  10. Small perfume bottle/Deodorant/ Lotion
  11. Comb/ Hair brush/ Hair spray (optional)
  12. Nail polish remover, Eye makeup remover
  13. Q-tips- this is to correct your makeup, especially kajal.
  14. Cotton/Band-Aid
  15. Needle and thread
  16. Extra earring backs
  17. Small Nail cutter, Scissor
  18. Medicines for headaches, upset stomach, allergies
  19. Nail polish for touch ups
  20. Tooth brush and tooth paste

I have tried to cover essential things from bride point of view which needs to be kept in her purse. Do organize things properly to avoid last minute hustle. Till then be optimist, be happy, as life is precious and comes with lots of Surprises. Take care…